meet our team

Kris Preiss
Hi my name is Kris,
I have been in the beauty industry since the 90’s owning several salons where I did permanent makeup and then 4 medical weight loss business, until I got sick and lost a lot of hair, so I had to start wearing wigs, then hair extensions and the whole time I thought there has to be better hair quality and a better way of adding it to your own hair so I created one of the first individual glue in hair extension and grew my company to a multimillion dollar company “Sexy Extensions for you” which I had for 11 years before selling it. It’s currently still open. I then decide I wanted to do something new but still in the beauty industry so when I heard about microblading I had to take a class and get certified, knowing already about permanent makeup when I did it in the 90’s it came to me pretty natural, so after taking several more classes I’m doing both microblading and permanent makeup, I’m a true testament that its never to late to start a new career as long as you love what your doing and I do love the beauty industry. So come see me I’d love to meet you!
Tuesday-Friday 10am-8pm